





来源:  点击次数:    发布时间:2018-09-07
1. clothing:
a. 各岗位员工须着本岗位制服上岗,着装统一。
A. the staff of each post should be uniformed and uniform in this post.
b. 制服应勤洗勤換,确保制服的干净、整洁、无污迹、油迹。
B. uniform should be washed frequently to ensure that the uniform is clean, clean, stain free and oil stains.
c. 制服应平整、挺括、无皱褶。
C. uniform should be smooth, crisp and wrinkle free.
d. 制服应完好无损.不开线,不掉扣.
D. uniform should be in good condition.
e. 制服应扣好扣子,不得翻起衣领、不卷起制服袖子、裤脚。
E. uniform should buckle buttons, not turn up collar, do not roll up uniform sleeves, trouser legs.
f. 按规定佩戴帽。
F. wears the cap as required.
g. 按规定打领带,扎腰带。
G. wears ties and belts.
h. 员工上岗须穿黑色袜子并将其拉展。
H. employees must wear black socks and display them when they are on duty.
i. 下班后不得穿制服回家。
I. not to wear uniforms home after work.
2. service nameplate:
a. 员工上岗须戴铭牌,统一戴在左胸,位置与地面平行,不得歪斜。
A. staff must wear the nameplate when they are on duty. They should be placed on the left chest uniformly, parallel to the ground, and not skewed.
b. 铭牌应字迹清晣,完整。
The B. nameplate should be clear and complete.
3. personal hygiene:
a. 员工上岗前应整理个人民卫生,做到整洁、干净、无异味。
A. staff should organize people's health before going to work, so that they can be neat, clean and have no smell.
b. 员工不得留长指甲,保持指甲干净。
B. employees should not keep long nails and keep their nails clean.
c. 男性员工不留长发,小胡子,长鬓角。女性员工不留奇异发型,发型应美观大方、整洁。
C. male employees do not wear long hair, moustache and long sideburns. Female employees do not keep exotic hairstyles. They should be beautiful and neat.
4. accessories:
a. 员工上岗可戴饰物手表,结婚或订婚戒子。
A. employees can wear accessories, watches, wedding or engagement rings.
b. 员工上岗不得戴贵重戒子、耳环、手镯、项链。
B. employees are not allowed to wear expensive rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.